

An Exhibition of Love

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Liam Kozak

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The International Center of Photography (ICP) is showcasing a group exhibition this summer exploring the themes of love and desire. Love Songs: Photography and Intimacy, the exhibition, will be on display at ICP's galleries from June 2 to September 11, 2023. Featuring the works of 16 international artists, including Nobuyoshi Araki, Ergin Çavuşoğlu, Motoyuki Daifu, Fouad Elkoury, Aikaterini Gegisian, Nan Goldin, René Groebli, Hervé Guibert, Sheree Hovsepian, Clifford Prince King, Leigh Ledare, Lin Zhipeng (No. 223), Sally Mann, RongRong&inri, Collier Schorr, and Karla Hiraldo Voleau, the exhibition will present over 250 intimate images captured by lovers. 

Love Songs presents a collection of intimate relationships captured by renowned and emerging photographers going as far back as 1952 and as recently as 2022. This series of photographs unravels the complexities, elusiveness, and contradictions inherent in these private connections. The exhibition takes viewers on a journey through the personal and often unseen narratives of various couples, spanning from the initial stages of an affair to marriages, honeymoons, domestic bliss, and the heart-wrenching pain of separation. It even delves into the final moments and shared experiences of love. These artists depict intimate moments that are rarely showcased in the annals of photography, offering a diverse range of love images that encompass poetic, romantic, and raw expressions.

“This summer, ICP will turn over the entirety of our exhibition spaces to powerful, intergenerational stories of love in the exhibition Love Songs: Photography and Intimacy,” said David E. Little, Executive Director of ICP. “This major exhibition offers a unique viewpoint into how relationships are photographed and presents images of intimacy rarely represented in photographic history with such openness and directness. We look forward to welcoming audiences to explore and connect with Love Songs, which is an international collaboration with our friends at the Maison Européenne de la Photographie (MEP), Paris, and curator Sara Raza, who remixed the international show at ICP.” 

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art, photography, exhibition