Motivation is a highly controversial term that usually escapes the ordinary man. For some, motivation is having a goal to follow or a desired future. Others believe it’s about having a great support system that will back them up whenever they feel uninspired.
But for Instagram star and model Katie Williams, motivation should come from within. That’s because, believe it or not, life wasn’t always this magical for Katie.
Before Katie Williams became known as [@k\_duub](https://www.instagram.com/k_duub/) on Instagram, she was just Katie who had big dreams for herself. All she wanted was to spend the rest of her days traveling and going on adventures. Katie’s desire to live a life of spontaneity was fueled by her own family, who would go on trips every summer and winter to such amazing places like Hawaii, Europe, and the Bahamas. Even in high school, Katie loved sharing her life so she already had quite a following early on, back when social media influencers weren’t yet mainstream.
Katie revealed that she did try to fit in and went to college, just like the rest of the girls her age. But she quickly found that the traditional education route wasn’t exactly for her. She also tried becoming a waitress, but she felt that the long work hours restricted her desire to see the world. She would find herself being left out of scheduled trips with her friends out of fear of losing her job if she tried to come.
So at the age of 23, Katie Williams finally decided to move out of her parents’ house and live in Southern California, despite the doubts cast by people from her hometown.
Katie revealed that the person who motivated her to take control of her life was simply herself and she has never regretted the decision.
“I decided to stop feeling hopeless and not good enough to create the life I have always dreamed of,” says Katie. “I am motivated by making sure I never go back to that part of my life and I will do what’s necessary to keep my head above water.”
Now, Katie has a successful Instagram and is a celebrity in her agency, despite not even running any ads on her account. She is determined to show to her followers her real life, free from any form of sponsorship or paid content. Her self-motivation has allowed her to thrive in her chosen path and has kept her going through the good times and the bad.
For anyone who feels distressed and lacking motivation, Katie Williams says to look at yourself. Be kind to yourself and give yourself the boost that you need. It takes trust in your capabilities and strengths to help you get through any obstacle. Katie proves that while motivation might come from many different sources, the one that’s most important is the motivation that comes from within.