Sniper Gang’s Jackboy Unleashes Debut Self-Titled Album

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Jackboy-2020-3-FakeDell.jpg ![Jackboy-2020-3-FakeDell.jpg](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472be5429ed4fd156b2c94b_Jackboy-2020-3-FakeDell.jpeg) [Jackboy](https://www.instagram.com/1804jackboy/?hl=en) is far more than Kodak Black’s best friend, he’s an incredible artist who spits about real-life experiences from the streets of Pompano Beach, Florida. Having only been rapping for 3 years, the project baby’s rise to the top translates through his music: high-quality bangers that draw listeners in and have them wanting more. Describing himself as a zebra, Jackboy states, “How everybody says the GOAT, I’m the zebra. I earned my stripes. I had to work for my stripes.” With one million followers on Instagram alone, the “Pressure” recording artist arrives with his signature, grimey style putting Florida trap music on the map. His bars are relentless, his punchlines are sharp, his melodies range from high to low, and he’s changing his life for the better. Hailing from the trenches, statistics indicate Jackboy wouldn’t make it out — but he gives hope to the rest of the youth that they can too, turn their dreams into reality. Now, he releases his debut self-titled project _Jackboy_, via EMPIRE Records. At 22 years old, Jackboy was also recently nominated for the XXL Freshman’s 10th Spot. Flaunt Mag caught up Jackboy via Instagram Live to discuss his new album _Jackboy_, being signed to Kodak Black, what he looks for in a girl, his Sniger Gang toilet paper, and more! **Where are you located right now?** I’m in traffic for real. I’m about to park up so I can talk to you. You know out here \[Florida\], they’re not really taking it serious as Cali. People keep trying to call me, they see that I’m on Live. I hate when people do that, they don’t call you all day till you get on Live. **Born in Haiti and raised in Pompano Beach, Florida, what was that like?** Interesting. I left Haiti at an early age, 6 years old. I remember stuff, but I can’t really remember stuff. Being raised in Florida, us Floridians are real interesting. It’s turnt. It’s lit.  **You’ve only been rapping 3 years, how difficult or easy was it to pick up?** As far as finding your sound, it’s harder. As far as rapping, I always thought in my head “I’m not no lame ass n\*gga.” I’m not finna get on there and say nothing lame. I never really cared too much but now I’m starting to care more. It’s easy to pick up if you’re willing to work because you start to learn new stuff every day, but you have to be in there every day to pick up on the new stuff you need to pick up on. **What have you picked up on recently?** I can’t give all the sauce man. I have to keep them lost in it. \[chuckles\] **Do you freestyle everything?** Mmhmm, I freestyle now. I used to not freestyle. I used to write, but now I can knock out more projects freestyling. It has me freer. My mind’s freer, there’s no rules to it. You’re going as you go. Let me clear it for them: when they say freestyle, it’s punching in for real. It’s not freestyling, but it’s punching in. First you might freestyle 4 lines and stop for a minute, then punch in another line. That’s how I do it.  **How’s it feel to have “Pressure” reach 3 millon in a few days?** It makes me feel like I’m pressure. “My nigga told me I’m pressure, made it out where you from lil n\*gga you something special” \[raps first verse of “Pressure”\]. **Was that a real phone call with Kodak in the beginning?**  Of course! I can’t fake the phone call. Not going to lie, that one was strategic but that’s what he said. It’s more than just Kodak who said that, a lot of my homeboys said that too. It was really everybody, but that’s pressure pressure coming from him. That’s pressure, the song’s pressure, the video’s pressure. Damn, it’s pressure. **Do you feel any pressure signed to Kodak?** That’s the best! To be signed to Kodak? He doesn’t sign anybody. That means you could practice freedom of speech. You signed to Kodak Black, you can practice freedom of speech! If you sign to anybody else, they’ll tell you “oh nah, don’t drop this. Nah, don’t say that.” It’s pretty much like “alright, learn. Learn to become who you’re trying to become. Whichever you try to become, I’ma support you. If you’re trying to become this thug ass n\*gga, you’re my dude so regardless I’m going to support you.” If you’re trying to become this big artist, this big DJ, this big whatever, we're going to support it.  **Do you deejay?** Shit, I have to how’s quarantine’s going. Luckily I’m with EMPIRE. They got me good during quarantine but some other rappers, they better learn how to deejay how quarantine’s going.  **What did EMPIRE do?** EMPIRE done filled Jack up. \[laughs\] Kodak said Atlantic Records dropped that bag on me, Jackboy says EMPIRE dropped that bag on me. **What do you look for in a girl, Jackboy?** Right now, or what I would want? What I’m looking for right now, it’s a big difference. I’m in a different mindframe so I know what I want right now. I want someone to fuck me good. Fuck me how I tell you to fuck me. Don’t call me daddy if I can’t tell you what to do.  **You got a lot of girls down or what?** Hell no, I don’t even be like that. I don’t like to fuck with too many people like that. **That makes me happy to hear that.** That part. Of course, I have a couple people I text or whatever. Say I don’t have a relationship, I probably deal with like 2 people. I’m still not out there because I be thinking crazy. It’s always up with me. Even when it ain’t me, it’s up with me. So I ain’t trying to be around too much people. I’ve been social distancing since before social distancing was real. **Are you listening to Jackboy in your car?** Always! My gang, they listen off the phone in the back. I can’t play it on the speaker, they play it in the back.  I’m in the wind \[chuckles\]  **How did it feel to be nominated for XXL Freshman?** How the world is set up, a lot of shit… I’m not really too like “ooh my gosh!” Alright, that’s cool. I’m not trippin’. **3 years into rapping? That’s pretty impressive.** Yeah 3 years, but I’m not trippin’. I’ma work pass that shit. If you do it, cool it’s another platform. But if you don’t, I’m finna be lit however. I’ma work to the point you’re going to want to do it, I might be like “I’m good.” I’ma work. I’m not even worried about that, I’m passed that now.  **Who’s in your Top 5?**  Jackboy, Kodak, 22Gz, Jackboy, Kodak. I run that bitch Jackboy and Kodak back 2 times! On some real shit, I listen to a selection of rappers. I fuck with Rylo Rodriguez. That’s a project baby, that’s my little brother. That’s my n\*gga right there, I fuck with him heavy. I fuck with Kevin Gates heavy. I fuck with Lucci. I fuck with some of 21’s shit, his shit be turnt. I fuck with some of Keed’s shit. I don’t play people’s shit personally. I’m never going to really put nobody’s name, only me and Kodak. People I’m in the car with from time to time, they might drop a name here and there. I’ll play some Gates, I fuck with Gates. **Are you the only one signed to the Sniper Gang?** We got more people signed to Sniper Gang. Everybody’s in different situations. Some people are waiting to get their little moment, some people are grinding a little harder than others. Everybody in their situation.  **As you get bigger, do you want your own label and sign your own artists?** Fuck no. NFL: never forget loyalty. This how I started, this how I’m finishing. Kodak gave me all the power to sign whoever I want to sign. I could still sign them and I’m going to get a percentage the same way we build this SG shit till it’s bigger than the moon. Fuck it, that’s how we’re going.  **Shout out to MadeinTYO in here.** MadeinTYO, “Uber fucking everywhere!” Nah, fuck Uber man! They kicked me off Uber. I’m breaking down weed in the back of the Uber. I drop a little bud, he makes a big fuss about it. I was breaking the weed down in the bill.  **Is weed legal in Florida?** Man weed in Florida, they try to charge you like you got two choppers.  **Would you ever leave Florida?** Fuck yeah. I’m never going to leave Florida, but I’ma leave Florida. Florida’s me, I can’t leave Florida. Because I’ma go to Texas and damn, Florida in this kid. I can’t leave Florida. As far as the place, hell yeah. I’m going to be back and forth. I might do 3 months in my little duck off, come back here for 3 months in my little duck off. Do baby mama’s house, duck off over there for a little bit.  **How many people do you have in your circle?** I don’t have a big circle, but I got a lot of people in my group. I got a lot of people I talk to that I rock with, that I feel like one hunnid. My circle, that shit ain’t big. My main go-to’s, that ain’t big at all.  **How are you adjusting to quarantine? Have you picked up any new hobbies or interests?** Masturbation. Nah, I’m messing with you. I haven’t picked up anything new. I’m watching everybody quarantine in their house while I get to it. I’m going to have about 100 videos by the time they take their mask off. Jack done dropped a hundred videos, goddamn! **What inspired “Cleaning Crew”?** “Send one of your lil steppers to get knocked up out his shoes / Send one of your lil steppers to get put up on the news. Toting big .40's that make you sing like you need autotune / Call the cleaning crew pull up with mop sticks and have the broom.” \[sings hook\] That’s what inspired it right there. **How’s it feel to have the video hit a million in a few days?** We’re gleeful. We’ve been did that, “G to the A“ has 53 million. Throwback! **Anyone that you want to work with that you haven’t yet?** Ed Sheeran. Make that happen for me, Ed Sheeran. You got the juice! **We’ll hit up EMPIRE, they’ll set something up.** They have to set that up. They have to give Ed Sheeran a million dollars or some shit.  **How much is Jackboy’s feature price?** I’m not going to super tax, but n\*ggas got label situations. Give me 10 bands, I ain’t trippin’.  **Anything else you want the people to know?** Never forget loyalty. Don’t trust fake girls and baby mamas.  **You got kids?** I hate when people say that. Not mad at you but I hate when people say that because I feel like that shit’s coming. Aw, you cursed me! Hell nah, I don’t have child support.  **Best encounter you had with a fan?** I can’t tell you about that because she might be pregnant right now. A n\*gga don’t even need to let her know because she probably doesn't even know I was a rapper that day. She did, but she didn’t.  [![](https://scontent-iad3-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-15/sh0.08/e35/s640x640/95121850_232182171381224_748928997323853575_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-1.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=108&_nc_ohc=43SLVoVaIq8AX_2EYKP&oh=533cc58aecfa85a07daf0c351521eaa0&oe=5EBEAC8E)](https://www.instagram.com/p/B_geeW0DBtP/) [jackboy had me 💀 w/ this NBA toilet paper. youngboy or kodak? lmao](https://www.instagram.com/p/B_geeW0DBtP/) **Someone commented about the NBA toilet paper, that shit’s so funny.** It’s quarantine, I know people need toilet paper. Me being a nice guy, I made toilet paper. Ya’ll have to shit! I saw a lot of people complaining “oh, I gotta shit. Ya’ll taking too much toilet paper out the store. Ya’ll need to be considerate.” Sniper Gang is so nice, we fuck with the world so much we’re sending out free toilet paper. We’re sending out 100 free rolls, the rest you have to buy. Them shits going quick, they almost sold out.  **Did Kodak get the toilet paper?** Kodak got about 2 rolls in prison. They’re trying to be funny to Kodak. They’re not trying to let him get the pack so right now, he can only get 3. The next time, we get 2 more in. Do 2 a day. Kodak doesn't take a lotta shits like that there. He said he’s saving his shits so when he comes home, he could diarrhea. He doesn't need toilet paper right now. When he comes home, he could diarrhea. Kodak got big shits sometimes so you're going to have to save toilet paper to wipe your ass.  Photo: Fake Dell
Jackboy-2020-3-FakeDell.jpg ![Jackboy-2020-3-FakeDell.jpg](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472be5429ed4fd156b2c94b_Jackboy-2020-3-FakeDell.jpeg) [Jackboy](https://www.instagram.com/1804jackboy/?hl=en) is far more than Kodak Black’s best friend, he’s an incredible artist who spits about real-life experiences from the streets of Pompano Beach, Florida. Having only been rapping for 3 years, the project baby’s rise to the top translates through his music: high-quality bangers that draw listeners in and have them wanting more. Describing himself as a zebra, Jackboy states, “How everybody says the GOAT, I’m the zebra. I earned my stripes. I had to work for my stripes.” With one million followers on Instagram alone, the “Pressure” recording artist arrives with his signature, grimey style putting Florida trap music on the map. His bars are relentless, his punchlines are sharp, his melodies range from high to low, and he’s changing his life for the better. Hailing from the trenches, statistics indicate Jackboy wouldn’t make it out — but he gives hope to the rest of the youth that they can too, turn their dreams into reality. Now, he releases his debut self-titled project _Jackboy_, via EMPIRE Records. At 22 years old, Jackboy was also recently nominated for the XXL Freshman’s 10th Spot. Flaunt Mag caught up Jackboy via Instagram Live to discuss his new album _Jackboy_, being signed to Kodak Black, what he looks for in a girl, his Sniger Gang toilet paper, and more! **Where are you located right now?** I’m in traffic for real. I’m about to park up so I can talk to you. You know out here \[Florida\], they’re not really taking it serious as Cali. People keep trying to call me, they see that I’m on Live. I hate when people do that, they don’t call you all day till you get on Live. **Born in Haiti and raised in Pompano Beach, Florida, what was that like?** Interesting. I left Haiti at an early age, 6 years old. I remember stuff, but I can’t really remember stuff. Being raised in Florida, us Floridians are real interesting. It’s turnt. It’s lit.  **You’ve only been rapping 3 years, how difficult or easy was it to pick up?** As far as finding your sound, it’s harder. As far as rapping, I always thought in my head “I’m not no lame ass n\*gga.” I’m not finna get on there and say nothing lame. I never really cared too much but now I’m starting to care more. It’s easy to pick up if you’re willing to work because you start to learn new stuff every day, but you have to be in there every day to pick up on the new stuff you need to pick up on. **What have you picked up on recently?** I can’t give all the sauce man. I have to keep them lost in it. \[chuckles\] **Do you freestyle everything?** Mmhmm, I freestyle now. I used to not freestyle. I used to write, but now I can knock out more projects freestyling. It has me freer. My mind’s freer, there’s no rules to it. You’re going as you go. Let me clear it for them: when they say freestyle, it’s punching in for real. It’s not freestyling, but it’s punching in. First you might freestyle 4 lines and stop for a minute, then punch in another line. That’s how I do it.  **How’s it feel to have “Pressure” reach 3 millon in a few days?** It makes me feel like I’m pressure. “My nigga told me I’m pressure, made it out where you from lil n\*gga you something special” \[raps first verse of “Pressure”\]. **Was that a real phone call with Kodak in the beginning?**  Of course! I can’t fake the phone call. Not going to lie, that one was strategic but that’s what he said. It’s more than just Kodak who said that, a lot of my homeboys said that too. It was really everybody, but that’s pressure pressure coming from him. That’s pressure, the song’s pressure, the video’s pressure. Damn, it’s pressure. **Do you feel any pressure signed to Kodak?** That’s the best! To be signed to Kodak? He doesn’t sign anybody. That means you could practice freedom of speech. You signed to Kodak Black, you can practice freedom of speech! If you sign to anybody else, they’ll tell you “oh nah, don’t drop this. Nah, don’t say that.” It’s pretty much like “alright, learn. Learn to become who you’re trying to become. Whichever you try to become, I’ma support you. If you’re trying to become this thug ass n\*gga, you’re my dude so regardless I’m going to support you.” If you’re trying to become this big artist, this big DJ, this big whatever, we're going to support it.  **Do you deejay?** Shit, I have to how’s quarantine’s going. Luckily I’m with EMPIRE. They got me good during quarantine but some other rappers, they better learn how to deejay how quarantine’s going.  **What did EMPIRE do?** EMPIRE done filled Jack up. \[laughs\] Kodak said Atlantic Records dropped that bag on me, Jackboy says EMPIRE dropped that bag on me. **What do you look for in a girl, Jackboy?** Right now, or what I would want? What I’m looking for right now, it’s a big difference. I’m in a different mindframe so I know what I want right now. I want someone to fuck me good. Fuck me how I tell you to fuck me. Don’t call me daddy if I can’t tell you what to do.  **You got a lot of girls down or what?** Hell no, I don’t even be like that. I don’t like to fuck with too many people like that. **That makes me happy to hear that.** That part. Of course, I have a couple people I text or whatever. Say I don’t have a relationship, I probably deal with like 2 people. I’m still not out there because I be thinking crazy. It’s always up with me. Even when it ain’t me, it’s up with me. So I ain’t trying to be around too much people. I’ve been social distancing since before social distancing was real. **Are you listening to Jackboy in your car?** Always! My gang, they listen off the phone in the back. I can’t play it on the speaker, they play it in the back.  I’m in the wind \[chuckles\]  **How did it feel to be nominated for XXL Freshman?** How the world is set up, a lot of shit… I’m not really too like “ooh my gosh!” Alright, that’s cool. I’m not trippin’. **3 years into rapping? That’s pretty impressive.** Yeah 3 years, but I’m not trippin’. I’ma work pass that shit. If you do it, cool it’s another platform. But if you don’t, I’m finna be lit however. I’ma work to the point you’re going to want to do it, I might be like “I’m good.” I’ma work. I’m not even worried about that, I’m passed that now.  **Who’s in your Top 5?**  Jackboy, Kodak, 22Gz, Jackboy, Kodak. I run that bitch Jackboy and Kodak back 2 times! On some real shit, I listen to a selection of rappers. I fuck with Rylo Rodriguez. That’s a project baby, that’s my little brother. That’s my n\*gga right there, I fuck with him heavy. I fuck with Kevin Gates heavy. I fuck with Lucci. I fuck with some of 21’s shit, his shit be turnt. I fuck with some of Keed’s shit. I don’t play people’s shit personally. I’m never going to really put nobody’s name, only me and Kodak. People I’m in the car with from time to time, they might drop a name here and there. I’ll play some Gates, I fuck with Gates. **Are you the only one signed to the Sniper Gang?** We got more people signed to Sniper Gang. Everybody’s in different situations. Some people are waiting to get their little moment, some people are grinding a little harder than others. Everybody in their situation.  **As you get bigger, do you want your own label and sign your own artists?** Fuck no. NFL: never forget loyalty. This how I started, this how I’m finishing. Kodak gave me all the power to sign whoever I want to sign. I could still sign them and I’m going to get a percentage the same way we build this SG shit till it’s bigger than the moon. Fuck it, that’s how we’re going.  **Shout out to MadeinTYO in here.** MadeinTYO, “Uber fucking everywhere!” Nah, fuck Uber man! They kicked me off Uber. I’m breaking down weed in the back of the Uber. I drop a little bud, he makes a big fuss about it. I was breaking the weed down in the bill.  **Is weed legal in Florida?** Man weed in Florida, they try to charge you like you got two choppers.  **Would you ever leave Florida?** Fuck yeah. I’m never going to leave Florida, but I’ma leave Florida. Florida’s me, I can’t leave Florida. Because I’ma go to Texas and damn, Florida in this kid. I can’t leave Florida. As far as the place, hell yeah. I’m going to be back and forth. I might do 3 months in my little duck off, come back here for 3 months in my little duck off. Do baby mama’s house, duck off over there for a little bit.  **How many people do you have in your circle?** I don’t have a big circle, but I got a lot of people in my group. I got a lot of people I talk to that I rock with, that I feel like one hunnid. My circle, that shit ain’t big. My main go-to’s, that ain’t big at all.  **How are you adjusting to quarantine? Have you picked up any new hobbies or interests?** Masturbation. Nah, I’m messing with you. I haven’t picked up anything new. I’m watching everybody quarantine in their house while I get to it. I’m going to have about 100 videos by the time they take their mask off. Jack done dropped a hundred videos, goddamn! **What inspired “Cleaning Crew”?** “Send one of your lil steppers to get knocked up out his shoes / Send one of your lil steppers to get put up on the news. Toting big .40's that make you sing like you need autotune / Call the cleaning crew pull up with mop sticks and have the broom.” \[sings hook\] That’s what inspired it right there. **How’s it feel to have the video hit a million in a few days?** We’re gleeful. We’ve been did that, “G to the A“ has 53 million. Throwback! **Anyone that you want to work with that you haven’t yet?** Ed Sheeran. Make that happen for me, Ed Sheeran. You got the juice! **We’ll hit up EMPIRE, they’ll set something up.** They have to set that up. They have to give Ed Sheeran a million dollars or some shit.  **How much is Jackboy’s feature price?** I’m not going to super tax, but n\*ggas got label situations. Give me 10 bands, I ain’t trippin’.  **Anything else you want the people to know?** Never forget loyalty. Don’t trust fake girls and baby mamas.  **You got kids?** I hate when people say that. Not mad at you but I hate when people say that because I feel like that shit’s coming. Aw, you cursed me! Hell nah, I don’t have child support.  **Best encounter you had with a fan?** I can’t tell you about that because she might be pregnant right now. A n\*gga don’t even need to let her know because she probably doesn't even know I was a rapper that day. She did, but she didn’t.  [![](https://scontent-iad3-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-15/sh0.08/e35/s640x640/95121850_232182171381224_748928997323853575_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-1.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=108&_nc_ohc=43SLVoVaIq8AX_2EYKP&oh=533cc58aecfa85a07daf0c351521eaa0&oe=5EBEAC8E)](https://www.instagram.com/p/B_geeW0DBtP/) [jackboy had me 💀 w/ this NBA toilet paper. youngboy or kodak? lmao](https://www.instagram.com/p/B_geeW0DBtP/) **Someone commented about the NBA toilet paper, that shit’s so funny.** It’s quarantine, I know people need toilet paper. Me being a nice guy, I made toilet paper. Ya’ll have to shit! I saw a lot of people complaining “oh, I gotta shit. Ya’ll taking too much toilet paper out the store. Ya’ll need to be considerate.” Sniper Gang is so nice, we fuck with the world so much we’re sending out free toilet paper. We’re sending out 100 free rolls, the rest you have to buy. Them shits going quick, they almost sold out.  **Did Kodak get the toilet paper?** Kodak got about 2 rolls in prison. They’re trying to be funny to Kodak. They’re not trying to let him get the pack so right now, he can only get 3. The next time, we get 2 more in. Do 2 a day. Kodak doesn't take a lotta shits like that there. He said he’s saving his shits so when he comes home, he could diarrhea. He doesn't need toilet paper right now. When he comes home, he could diarrhea. Kodak got big shits sometimes so you're going to have to save toilet paper to wipe your ass.  Photo: Fake Dell