Meet Dr Bal Raj

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![](https://assets-global.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472d6295ba419096906ba82_Bal%2BRaj%2BPhoto.jpeg) **_With years of experience as a Double Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon, Dr. Raj has much experience in the medical field._** The closer we look around ourselves, the more we would find how things have been fast-changing and developing for the better across business industries and fields. This is not just because of technological advances, but most importantly also because of the many astute minds and professionals who, with their relentless drive and passion, have taken their respective industries forward towards much growth. The medical field is also one that has so far seen some great advancements and ace doctors like Dr. Bal Raj are to be thanked for the level of success he has have brought to the industry. Speaking of Dr. Raj, he is a Double Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon who has shown excellence as an Orthopedic doctor and surgeon. Dr. Raj had begun his offices 15 years ago in Dubai and Beverly Hills, and giving so many years into the medical field has helped him propel forward many others, making a unique name for himself as a trusted ‘Ortho-doc’. Today, Dr. Raj is the top-rated Orthopedic surgeon in Los Angeles and Beverly Hills, specializing in a long list of treatments and surgeries that have also earned him great clientele. He is one of the most sought-after orthopedic doctors and surgeons who offers top surgical and nonsurgical techniques involving sports injuries on surgical and nonsurgical means. He is a respected surgeon across the US for the results and turnaround time he has offered to all his patients, which has further helped him make his mark in the industry over the years.  The ace surgeon’s bedside manners and a holistic approach in terms of carrying out surgeries, operations, and treatments have also earned him celebrity clients, making him a celebrity surgeon in the US. He has many celebrity endorsements and has been a Web MD expert, apart from also being an ABC News medical consultant. Dr. Raj is also seen as a Stem Cell Therapy pioneer in the US, integrating Orthopedic surgery with a holistic and western plan. To know more, follow him on Instagram @drraj and visit his website, [http://drhipandknee.com/](http://drhipandknee.com/).