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Among the groups of people who are less exposed to the modernization of society, their belief systems are closely embedded in their daily lives. In some parts of the world, there are tribes who still actively practice their cultural rituals to encourage different encounters with the hidden or mysterious truths of life. Since some of these ceremonies use substances that are considered illegal in other countries, numerous misunderstandings surround them.
For travelers like the social media influencer and filmmaker Dakota Wint, the stories behind these rituals deserve to be exposed. This way, the public can see the practices of these tribes for what they really are, without prejudices about the substances they use. Dakota shares his experiences through his YouTube channel and Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram profiles.
Dakota’s journey started in 2017 when he went to India, initially to learn about the different yoga sects in the country. During his trip, he came across the renowned human-eating cannibals from the holy city of Varanasi. This is the Aghori tribe, and although many know about their postmortem rituals, not everybody understands why they hold these ceremonies in the first place.
In Dakota’s podcast, A Place For Humans, and short documentary Aghori: Holy Men of the Dead, he shares an interview with an Aghori. It was revealed that they could obtain earthly powers and attain spiritual enlightenment by using dead bodies for their rituals. They also apply the dead’s ashes all over their bodies and even make jewelry with their bones. After his mission in India was over, he moved on to the Middle East.
Dakota’s quest for this excursion was to visit the places mentioned in the holy scriptures of Abrahamic religions and the Bible. He started in Turkey and went to Egypt, Israel, Palestine, and Jordan. However, Dakota regrettably got caught up in the conflict between Israel and Palestine.
So the young explorer moved away from the Middle East and went to Peru, where he lived for six months amongst the Shipibo. They are an Amazonian tribe who live in remote jungles in Iquitos and Pucallpa. They have a unique ritual that involves the use of the medicine known to many as Ayahuasca which means “the vine of souls” or “the vine of death.” but known to the Shipibo as Oni.
In some parts of the world, like the UK and USA, Ayahuasca is illegal because it contains DMT. However, for the Shipibo, the plant allows them to connect with the astral world, which is why it plays a significant role in their rituals. Many people from different cultures have tried participating in the tribe’s ceremonies, and most of them report going through similar telepathic experiences.
After Dakota’s trip to Peru, he traveled to Mexico, where he currently resides. There, he met different Mexican tribes: the Mazatecas of Oaxaca, the Seri of Sonora, and the Wixarikas or Huicholes of Nayarit and Jalisco. All the rituals he has partaken in during his stay there have taught him the truth behind the tribal ceremonies that many have the wrong impression of.