Hobo Johnson | ‘The Revenge Of Hobo Johnson’

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hobojohnson-2000x1270-1 (1)-2.jpg ![hobojohnson-2000x1270-1 (1)-2.jpg](https://assets-global.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472d5663903396dec1a06fc_hobojohnson-2000x1270-1%2B%25281%2529-2.jpeg) [Hobo Johnson](https://www.instagram.com/hobojohnson/) returns after a couple of years away. On the strength of his two projects, _The Rise Of Hobo Johnson_ and _The Fall Of Hobo Johnson,_ real name Frank Lopes Jr seemed to become an artist millions of people resonated with, his heart on sleeve, and his self-effacing lyricism winning hearts all over the world. Then suddenly, he was gone. Today, he reveals his new project titled _The Revenge Of Hobo Johnson,_ and it's a brilliant listen.  This seems to be a slightly different Hobo Johnson. The humor is still there, but this project feels like listening to a person who’s been through some things. He cites progressive thought and the work of Karl Marx as inspiration on this project, and you can certainly hear that as you roll through. Hobo Johnson recently said that “he didn't understand why anyone liked \[his\] old music.” While that might be quite the statement, we are confident people will like this.  Speaking on the new release, Johnson states, “My last record _The Fall of Hobo Johnson_ was my first time working with a major label to release music. It was not for me. I decided my next record needed to be entirely under my own control, for better or for worse. After converting our band into a democratic and egalitarian institution, we created _The Revenge.”_ He adds, “The record reflects many aspects of this newfound ideology, and that really excites me. With the popularity of Bernie Sanders and AOC, it seems as though leftist ideology is creeping back into mainstream thought. I hope to help this perspective gain eyes and ears.”