In the newly found Sycamore district in Hollywood, [Just One Eye](https://justoneeye.com) brought a heavy dose of life back into the the area after their latest move around the corner from their previous epicenter. The intersection of art and fashion space presented their first exhibition at their new store - painter [Arielle Pytka’s](https://www.instagram.com/ariellepytka/?hl=en) latest body of work titled, _Archipelago_.
Archipelago is a series of acrylic paintings inspired by the world Pytka has travelled and the places she dreams of. She sailed across the Atlantic Ocean multiple times (including being on the winning crew of the Panerai Transat Classique), discovering colors, textures and shapes that would one day end up in her artwork.

When working on these paintings, she found herself becoming a cartographer of places that only existed in her creative mind. There are some that resemble places she has lived, such as the island chains of South East Asia. Others are an homage to the Maasai tribes in Kenya due to her deep interest in Eastern Africa.
Pytka uses her brush to paint new worlds, creating paintings that reflect her curiosity.
However, painting is not the only thing she excels at. Pytka is a photographer, music and commercial director, surfer and adventurer. Currently, she is working on a book of photography.
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