Flaunt Premiere | "Like July" by STEINSDOTTER
b95545f2-116f-4ffd-92d0-d75845590cf8.jpg ![b95545f2-116f-4ffd-92d0-d75845590cf8.jpg](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472d1d429ed4fd156b84126_b95545f2-116f-4ffd-92d0-d75845590cf8.jpeg) Photographed by Sandra Croft Soaked in romantic mysticism and theatrical performance, Norwegian musician STEINSDOTTER enters with the video for her new single “Like July.” The electronic pop experimentalist’s vocals laid over soft instrumentation soundtracks the black and white video featuring two masked dancers. “Wish I could kiss you one last time / Your mouth is warm just like July,” sings STEINSDOTTER on the single from her debut EP _Blood Eagle_, out on April 29th. “Have you ever cried yourself to sleep because you miss someone so much? Or woken in the middle of the night screaming for your lover's touch, slowly realising it was all just a dream?” asks the artist on the new single. “‘Like July’ is about the vulnerability of longing, it’s about loving deeply even when it hurts. It’s about the skin hunger that haunts us as we endure yet another lockdown and about the memories that live within us, how powerful they are. How they keep us alive.” _Blood Eagle_, STEINSDOTTER’s debut EP, possesses similar qualities to the brutality of Norse sagas. She journeys through her heritage and home country through the art pop explorations featured on the EP. See the video below in anticipation for _Blood Eagle_, out April 29th!