Manolo Valdés, _Amarillo y Rojo_, 2020. 65 x 55 in. / 166 x 141cm. Mixed Media.
[Opera Gallery](https://www.operagallery.com/artist/manolo-valdes) in New York (791 Madison Avenue) presents a solo exhibition by acclaimed painter and sculptor, Manolo Valdés. The show, which features the newest works coming directly from the artist’s studio, opened on May 20th and will run through June 20th.
Featuring some of the artist’s most highlighted works, like _Infanta Margarita en Rojo_, _Cristal y Mariposas_, and _Mickey Como Pretexto en Rojo_, the exhibition encourages the viewers to engage with Valdés’ pieces of art and feel them as their own—with individual sensibility.
Valdés reinterprets the History of Art, creating tributes to the Classics and the Masterpieces - El Greco, Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse, Constantin Brancusi - to showcase the importance of image and its iconic value. Reinventing these familiar images and their established contexts.

Manolo Valdés, _Cabeza con Mariposas en Ambar_, 2020. 38 x 23.5 x 17. Glass and Steel. Photo Credit: Tom Powel.

Manolo Valdés, _Constructivismo como Pretexto_, 2021. 57 x 34 x 19 inches. Polychromated Wood. Photo Credit: Tom Powel.

Manolo Valdés, _Doble Imagen con Espejo_, 2021. 56 x 93 in. Mixed Media.

Manolo Valdés, _Infanta Margarita en Rojo,_ 2021\. 39.5 x 28 x 18.5 inches. Polychromated Wood. Photo Credit: Tom Powel.

Manolo Valdés, _Matisse como Pretexto en Rosa_, 2021. 77 x 150 in. / 196 x 381cm. Mixed Media.