Oklou | Galore Anniversary EP and Tour

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![](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472d8ec810810c785c05944_oklou%2B-%2Bphoto%2Bpls%2Bcr%2B-%2BTill%2BJanz.png) For her debut album, _Galore_, French-based artist Oklou explores the concept of rebirth and renewal. After a period of time where Oklou felt numb to her own emotions, _Galore_ was a way for the artist to reconnect with the vulnerable side of herself. Recording the album allowed Oklou a time for healing. Oklou, who hails from Poitou-Charentes in France, spent much of her childhood surrounded by traditional music, influence by the bagpipe and accordion music that her parents raised her on. Going on to be classically trained in piano and cello, music has always been an important part of Oklou’s life. After finding a passion for production and composition using software, Oklous began steadily making her own music from home, a skill that proved to be incredibly useful during the pandemic. Combining R&B soundscapes and electronic pop production, Oklou’s music transcends the binary of one genre to create her own unique style. _Galore’s_ sound operates within the realm between dream and reality, a realm in which Oklou reinvents her sense of self and identity. With paired visuals, such as a film by Parisian filmmaker Kevin Elamrani-Lince for the song, “Unearth Me,” the album fully envelops listeners into Oklou’s headspace, ripe for interpretation. Whether it be through her work with artists such as Musa Masa, Sega Bodega, Chynna et Flavien Berger, or her solo endeavors, Oklou has established herself as a unique standout in the European music scene. Oklou has just begun her first ever solo US tour, and will also continue to open for American pop-artist, Caroline Polachek on her tour. ![](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472d8ec810810c785c05936_oklou-Galore-pls%2Bcr-Till-Janz-.png) **How did you first discover your affinity for creating music?** I’ve been learning and playing instruments since I was very little so it just came along naturally I guess. I wouldn’t explore the writing side of creation until later though because I’ve been interpreting music (classical music, or just covers of other bands etc. ) for a while before thinking that I could actually do my own stuff. **What are you inspired by in the every day? How does this translate into your sound and music?** I’m inspired when I get bored which didn’t really happen for a while now actually. But feeling bored and having the time to let your mind wonder and dream of whatever it’s the start of inspiration for me. I need to have that time and space otherwise nothing special comes in and even less comes out. **How have you prepared for the tour? What are you most excited for? What has your experience been touring with Caroline thus far?** It’s been really hard preparing this tour. I’m glad that we‘ve had more time to work on the stage set up which looks amazing. I’m super excited to tour the US just cause … it’s fucking crazy. **Your 2020 EP _Galore_ gained much critical acclaim. How would you describe the writing experience for that project?** A blast. Everything from its birth until now has been great. If not perfect, the downsides were super enriching professionally speaking. It’s a mixtape though not an EP :) **How do you approach your musical canvas connecting both English and French in your lyrics? How do you blend or contradict both sounds?** I actually don’t use french language that much! Actually not at all, or just for one song in my career so far. I’m not really planing on trying to find a way to blend english and french together. **A year after _Galore_ came out, you released the _Galore Anniversary_ EP with three new remixes. What have you learned about yourself since _Galore_ first released, and what was your favorite remix on the anniversary EP?** I guess one lesson I had is just a confirmation that I should absolutely listen to my instinct when it comes to creative. Sometimes you work with a lot of people and lots of people can have opinions. for tones of reasons, wether you’ re right or wrong whatever sense you can give to rightness when it comes to self expression or creation, following your instinct/ideas/vision with the least compromises is important. Because when you make a mistake or fail at something you actually learn so much and it gives you power. and it’s one thing you want to have when you’re a female in this industry. **What direction do you see your sound going in the future? What can we look forward to seeing from you?** I don’t really know yet but I’d like to make it even more instrumental. Maybe let go off the autotune why not. Tbc.