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The Tower, Shot on top of a Church in Los Angeles, California, 2018, 60 x 42 inches ![The Tower, Shot on top of a Church in Los Angeles, California, 2018, 60 x 42 inches](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472b20bb0e2d21a4f685118_image-asset.png) The Tower, _Shot on top of a Church in Los Angeles, California, 2018,_ _60 x 42 inches_ The Los Angeles based, French artist, Reine Paradis is set to open her much anticipated photography based exhibition. Midnight Exhibitions will be having an opening reception from 6 - 9 pm, on June 23rd. The work featured explores Paradis in a number of surreal landscapes, set throughout California and the South-West. The colors are psychedelic, evoking memories of the 60's and 70s, framed by a time-period-less setting, which all feel subtly American. Paradis juxtaposes her large-scale photographs with nine illustrated maquettes, exploring her early visions of the project.  Accompanying her work is a projection of the documentary film "Queen of Paradis," directed by Carl Lindstrom. The film follows Paradis across the US, featuring the process of her surreal project. The show is set to run from June 23rd through the 31st of July.  Billboard, Shot in white sands desert, New Mexico, 2018, 60 x 42 inches ![Billboard, Shot in white sands desert, New Mexico, 2018, 60 x 42 inches](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472b20bb0e2d21a4f68511c_Screen%2BShot%2B2018-06-21%2Bat%2B4.05.16%2BPM.png) Billboard, _Shot in white sands desert, New Mexico, 2018,_ _60 x 42 inches_