
DITA Eyewear | Adding the Amsterdam Flagship

Luxury Frames Land in the Dutch Capital

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Julia Zara

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Between strangers or lovers or friends, one can't help but acknowledge fleeting moments. Brief glimpses bless a memory: we humans, the social creatures that we are, want to believe that intimacy exists between nanoseconds of contact. Sly winks, echoed glances, double takes over shoulders aren't coincidences, are they? No, the most delusional of us believe they are the keys to a locked recollection. Subscribers to kindred contact include DITA Eyewear, an independent luxury eyewear company that recently added Amsterdam to its artillery of store locations. For DITA, which has collaborated exclusively with American and Japanese artisans for nearly 30 years, sunglasses are not just accessories, but bonds between wearers.

Photographed by Daniëlle Siobhán

Opening a flagship store on Pieter Cornelisz Hooftstraat, a quintessential high-end shopping street in the Netherlands, DITA's Dutch offering joins other international DITA flagships like Rodeo Drive, San Francisco, Madison Avenue, Sydney, London, and Paris. DITA clientele can now indulge in expert eyewear styling, custom tinting, frame personalization, and lens prescription in the Dutch capital city.

DITA's Amsterdam storefront maintains the same meticulous attention to detail, spatial purity, and modernist structure employed in its eyewear. Dark marble closes in on the buying experience, inviting clientele into an oasis of frames and glass. With warm minimalist tones that call to mind Japanese influences, DITA Amsterdam nestles into PC Hooftstraat with comfort and familiarity in the luxurious. Just as DITA sunglasses traverse the globe on the faces of travelers, DITA solidifies itself as a global brand that touches virtually every opulent corner of the planet with its Amsterdam opening. Despite transient, impermanent connections in an interconnected world, blink, and it's not gone: DITA is here to stay in Amsterdam.

Photographed by Daniëlle Siobhán
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Flaunt Magazine, DITA Eyewear, Amsterdam, Pieter Cornelisz Hooftstraat, Sunglasses, Fashion, Julia Zara