
Mijenta Cristalino | Look Up at That Sparkling Moonlit Jalisco Sky

Introducing the new limited edition expression

Written by

Maria Kyriakos

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Mijenta, renowned for its award-winning, additive-free, and sustainable tequila crafted in the highlands of Jalisco, unveils its latest – the limited edition Cristalino. This innovative release, born from a pursuit of sensory exploration, embodies a harmonious blend of tradition and experimentation.

At the heart of Mijenta Cristalino lies the vision of Maestra Tequilera Ana María Romero Mena, whose passion for tequila craftsmanship led to this endeavor. Beginning symphony barrels and crafted from American Oak sourced from diverse forests – each aging for approximately eight months. The tequila within these barrels evolved, enriching its essence with depth and complexity.

Mijenta Cristalino tantalizes the senses with a symphony of aromas, from maple and caramel to citrus and honey, culminating in a palate of sweetness and silkiness. The brand's commitment to sustainability reflects in the packaging, using recycled glass and paper.

This launch follows Mijenta's recent accolades as the Agave Producer of the Year and overall Spirits Producer of the Year by the International Wine and Spirits Competition (IWSC), reaffirming the brand's dedication to excellence. With Mijenta Cristalino, the legacy continues to thrive, inviting enthusiasts to indulge in a unique tequila experience.

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Mijenta Cristalino, Tequila, Flaunt Magazine