
Robert Montgomery | Under The Silver Moon

One of 25 Art Covers Created for Flaunt’s 25th Anniversary Issue

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Robert Montgomery. “Love Is The Revolutionary Energy” (2021).

Where was the most magical moon you’ve ever witnessed?

The moon in Hydra in October of 2019. I left my phone and my wallet in the taxi we took to the ferry dock in Athens. They had slipped out of my pocket, and the guy had already driven away when we noticed, so I arrived on the island with no phone and no credit cards. From the boat they took our suitcases up the hill to the house on donkeys and we seemed to slip through a crack in the digital screen of modern life and escape into a world of slower time, as if we were suddenly either living in the past or beyond the future. When the children had fallen asleep we were drawn by the moon’s glow onto the white terrace and Greta and I lay on the stone and time traveled back to a world of old songs, of Fado music and Leonard Cohen. Naked in the moonlight and the warm night air we could hear actual music in the silence, as if there was music there waiting for us under the noise all along.

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Flaunt Magazine, Issue 190, The 25th Anniversary Issue, Under The Silver Moon