
Silk Laundry | Golden Ratio Collection

Where Fashion Meets Nature's Perfect Formula

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Lily Brown

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For a harmonious fusion of mathematics, nature, and timeless design, Silk Laundry has launched their Golden Ratio collection. Drawing on vintage science, detailed works of Ernst Haeckel, Fibonacci Sequences, intricate geometry found throughout the natural world, and of course the real golden ratio, every garment reflects the precision and beauty of mathematical proportions. Sustainable materials are paired with nostalgic, earth-toned palettes, offering a wardrobe that not only feels refined but celebrates a conscious connection to both art and nature’s most exquisite patterns.

Creative Director and founder, Katie Kolodinski, has cleverly blended the mathematical elegance of nature with fashion. Inspired by the precision and purpose found throughout the universe, Kolodinski sought to honor nature's flawless designs. The collection embodies rhythmic patterns that reflect nature’s inherent multiplication and growth. Through her research, she uncovered the golden spiral — a mathematical sequence that predicts patterns in the natural world, from rabbit populations to the structure of galaxies. The color palette, drawn from vintage photos of women in science and historical scientific illustrations, adds a nostalgic yet modern touch to this innovative line.

Driven by a commitment to protect the environment that inspires them, Silk Laundry incorporates 100% cotton woven on Japanese looms and their signature 100% silk fabrics, while also introducing a new blend that combines the comfort of wool with the eco-friendly properties of hemp. A standout feature is the intentional custom grid crochet pattern, reminiscent of the graph paper used to develop ideas, solve problems, and record the mathematical principles governing both the animal and human worlds.

Photographed by Silk Laundry
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FLAUNT Magazine, Silk Laundry, Golden Ratio Collection, Katie Kolodinski, Lily Brown