Flaunt Premiere | Midnight Tracks "Anymore"

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Still from Midnight Tracks "Anymore ![Still from Midnight Tracks "Anymore](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472be24a6e1f8e75c59cb79_FLAUNT%2Bmagazine%2BMidnight%2BTracks%2BAnymore%252522%2B2.jpeg) Still from Midnight Tracks "Anymore It's a classsic take on the girl meets boy, boy can't commit, girl breaks up with boy, boy regrets it and is haunted by his loss story. Parisian band Midnight Tracks presents this in their airy song “Anymore,” which layers loungey jazz and drum machines atop classic pop vocals evoking the classic musicals of the Golden Era of Hollywood. The results are a postmodern take on a solid grouping of pop motifs through the ages. Still from Midnight Tracks "Anymore ![Still from Midnight Tracks "Anymore](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472be24a6e1f8e75c59cb75_FLAUNT%2Bmagazine%2BMidnight%2BTracks%2BAnymore%252522%2B4.jpeg) Still from Midnight Tracks "Anymore Compiled of quirky and surrealist tableaus the video bridges the concept of heart break with the incoherent thoughts that come with the general state exhaustion of malaise. About the video the director Marleen Valien offers up the explanation, “Heartbreak. There's nothing you can do about it. It hurts, it's no fun, and most of the time you look like shit. So what do a burning house and an exploding cake have in common? I don't know either. But when it comes to heartbreak, nothing makes sense, does it? When love and anger burn inside you, an explosion is not far off. You're not yourself anymore, and those thoughts can get pretty absurd sometimes. The song "Anymore" by Midnight Tracks tells us about these absurdities. Two people love each other but cannot be with one another. Exactly this chaos of emotions is visualised in the music video. And in the end, you just wonder why someone who is so close to you can suddenly become the target of so much anger. And that alone is reason enough to burn down a house or blow up some cream pies.“ Still from Midnight Tracks "Anymore ![Still from Midnight Tracks "Anymore](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472be24a6e1f8e75c59cb6b_FLAUNT%2Bmagazine%2BMidnight%2BTracks%2BAnymore%252522%2B5.jpeg) Still from Midnight Tracks "Anymore The band Midnight Tracks is made up of brothers John and Max Dindinaud Ferrère, both musicians in the band  Saturne and Salmone respectively. With a combined backgrounds in the worlds of rock, hip hop and jazz, the bands results of late night sessions, where the band got the name from, is an ecceltic and timesless subversion of the ideations of pop. Still from Midnight Tracks "Anymore ![Still from Midnight Tracks "Anymore](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1587972688702-NCRKC97AZKZM45JR0HZK/Anymore+Stills_1.78.2.jpg) Still from Midnight Tracks "Anymore Still from Midnight Tracks "Anymore ![Still from Midnight Tracks "Anymore](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472be24a6e1f8e75c59cb71_FLAUNT%2Bmagazine%2BMidnight%2BTracks%2BAnymore%252522%2B3.jpeg) Still from Midnight Tracks "Anymore